Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moving Again

We have been temporarily living in Fort Dix NJ but we are moving back to Texas in three weeks. Joey is almost done at work, and has already scheduled the moving trucks. We are going to do a DITY move(now called the Personally Procured Move Program). The advantage for us is that the Air Force pays us to move our own goods, since they will pay the same amount regardless of how much we spends on the move, we stand to make a nice profit. That would help with getting kitchen appliances for our new home and paying for our families airline tickets to help us move. Last week we purchased Joey's cousin & 3 Brothers tickets to fly up here and since we rented two moving trucks, thank God they can help. Yesterday I purchased mine and Destiny's tickets to Texas and we fly out on the 20th at 6am. I'm hoping Destiny will sleep on the way down there. My sister Maria is going to pick us up at the airport in Amarillo TX and I am very excited. Joey's brothers & cousin fly in on Sat the 21st into the airport in Philly. Destiny is happy to move, poor girl is use to it hehe. I believe she think we are moving back to Belgium..she shows me pics of our old house there, but I'm try to tell her that we are moving to another house in Texas. So I'm hoping she will understand when we get there. Belgium is the only HOME she has really known. We moved there when she was nine months old, and when we moved again in May she was going to turn five. She had a very hard time moving from Belgium. She would cry a lot & tell me she wants to go home now. I think she will transition fine this time. She is even helping me pack this time so I think that's going to help her too. Her getting involved I think is very important and it helps if we make it fun as well. I wanted to write down why Joey is getting out, but that's another blog. Well that's all for now until the real packing starts.


joy said...

we will be SO sad to see u leave :O(

Joyce said...

I am so excited for you to see what God has for you next. BUT I don't want you to go either!

You could just change your mind and stay here in NJ! I'm sure, LOL


Unknown said...

Take care in TEXAS! Keep us up-to-date on all your adventures! God Bless, Jessica