Monday, February 9, 2009

In Memory of Maximiliano Flores

On this day, Febuary 9, 2005, we lost a very much loved husband and father... four years have past and yet it seems like only yesterday that the Lord saw it fit to take our father home to heaven and away from us. Dad died fighting a battle against cancer… but he gave it one hard fight. When I first found out he was really sick and flew to see him, I still remember his first words to me “My daughter, your so Beautiful” in Spanish. I fought the best I could to hold back the tears after that. I’m blessed that he was saved and that one day I'm gonna wrap my arms around my daddys neck and tell him that I've missed him. Though we miss him so very much, I would never wish him to go thru anymore suffering. There are no words to express the loss we feel.. except maybe a big emptiness inside, a part of me died that day with my daddy.


God saw you were getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put his arms around you and whispered, "Come to Me." With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands to rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He Only Takes The Best!

Through God and all His wonders Another Soul's gone Home Their life and purpose is fulfilled Their time on earth is done God understands our mourning He gives us tears to grieve He also gives us joy in death If in him we believe Yes, God in all His wisdom Gives us His peace with In truth we know the one gone home won victory over sin So grieve, but too, be gladdened Whether life be long or short The love which eyes cannot behold Still lives within the heart.

Unknown Author


joy said...

that is very touching Josie! im sorry that you lost your daddy! im so very glad that you will see him again one day!

Anonymous said...

I too lost my daddy in 2005. I know how difficult it is. Praise the Lord we will both see them again! I LOVED the poem you posted.


Anonymous said...

That was nice Josie. I'm telling you, it still feels like he's on a vacation. The 4 years have flown by. I just love this pic of Destiny and Miguel. I wonder what was going through their minds?

Luv ya

Anonymous said...

Josie, that was beautiful. I'm so glad you did that. It made me cry, first tears of sadness, but then tears of joy because we will see him again. Love ya!!

Unknown said...

I know you still love your father very much!! Amen to seeing him one special day again...