Saturday, January 31, 2009

Joeys first painting

Joey wanted to see if he could paint. I set up all the stuff for him.It took him about thirty min or so. I looked at the painting after & wow! what a surprise he did it. For his first time I thought it was good. Now I know why Destiny loves to paint, She gets it from her Daddy. He painted lemons because thats what my kitchen theme is.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I feel great this afternoon. I did my work for the day, homeschooled Destiny, washed three loads of laundry today, ate lunch, made plans for the weekend and this coming Lord’s Day. I think cleaning is therapeutic for me. I enjoy putting things in order or where they belong. There’s also something fulfilling about performing these things ourselves. It’s just not the same when we hire a maid or someone else to do them. It's not just going through the motions. The labor of love that goes into it makes a difference. One can’t pay for that; it’s priceless. It is the ingredient that turns a house into a home. Growing up, I wondered why my mom’s cooking often tasted better than mine even though I’ve tried to replicate her recipe by following it step-by-step. Now I know why. It is because of the dedication and labor of love that she pours into everything she does for her family. The dishes she prepared were cooked with a mother’s warmth, stirred with a mother’s patience, seasoned with an extra pinch of real hearty love, and served generously with affections.

Housekeeping is also one of those things that returns immediate satisfaction. It’s one of those jobs where we can not only enjoy, but also see, the results almost immediately. After finishing the laundry, at the end of the day I get to enjoy the nice feeling of clean bed sheets and warm, fresh-smelling comforter during a cold winter season such as this one. Or when I cook, I get to share and partake with my loved ones the savory creation of homemade recipes with fragrant aroma already wafting through the air. How wonderful…

It's so much more then housework

You are loved and lovely, your work, your life as a homemaker and being a keeper at home is precious work. Never ever let anyone or anything persuade you otherwise and never allow the enemy to come in and flood your thoughts out of your home and wash away your commitment to improve and be strengthened in your role as the wife: helper to your husband, the keeper of the home, the mother of children and the light and joy of the family. You're worth it. Be an excellent homemaker. Your family is worth it! Do good things daily... that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Recipe of the Month

I thought I would share with ya'll a recipe I found on I go there all the time to find new recipes. I love cooking, baking! so every month I'll try put a new recipe that I find! ENJOY!!

Smoked jalapenos give Pace® Chipotle Salsa its unique flavor! or thats what they said hehe, no jk it's good=D

Smoky Chipotle Chili

1 pound ground beef
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 (15 ounce) can red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup Pace® Chipotle Chunky Salsa
1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
1 (14 ounce) can Swanson® Seasoned Beef Broth with Onion
Cornbread Squares

Cook beef, garlic and chili powder in saucepot until browned. Pour off fat.
Add beans, salsa, corn and broth. Heat to a boil. Cook over low heat 15 minutes.
Serve with Cornbread Squares.


Cornbread Squares: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Mix 1 package (about 8 ounces) corn muffin mix according to package directions. Spread half the batter in greased 8-inch square baking pan. Top with 1/2 cup each Pace® Picante Sauce and shredded Cheddar cheese. Spread remaining batter on top. Bake 20 minutes or until done.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Year of 2008

January~ Destiny playing at the gym
February~ Destiny on Valentines Day

March~ my brother came to visit so we went to a couple of places, Venice was one of them.

April~ Destiny on Easter Sunday..& Jared the pastor's son in the back

May~ The Churchs Mother daughter banquet & we also moved out at this month...

June~ Destinys B-day!!

July~moving into the house

August ~Destiny playing outside

September~ Destiny playing at the park

October ~Destiny being Destiny

November~Me & Destiny on Thanksgiving Day

December~ Family pic

100 things you didn't really need to know about me...

1. Started your own blog -yes
2. Slept under the stars –yes, Mexico & Texas
3. Played in a band -no
4. Visited Hawaii - No, but would love to one day

5. Watched a meteor shower –yes !! you can see stars really brite in Texas
6. Given more than you can afford to charity - not really
7. Been to Disneyland – Yes.. we took Destiny for her 4th birthday in Disneyland Paris…..she had sooo much funJ

8. Climbed a mountain – no..big hills LOL
9. Held a praying mantis – yes I grew up in the country of Texas so.. I played with all kinds of bugs & stuff hehe
10. Sang a solo -ack, no
11. Bungee jumped -no
12. Visited Paris –yes…I love history & it was very pretty place!!!
13. Watched a lightning storm –Yes…aww I miss Texas
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch -im a self learner
15. Adopted a child – no
16. Had food poisoning - no
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty -no
18. Grown your own vegetables – we grew some while I was growing up…I helped..does that count LOL
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France –’s very little
20. Slept on an overnight train -- no
21. Had a pillow fight – yes
22. Hitch hiked – no, but I have picked up a hitch hiker before….I know I know, Joey thought I was crazy cuz I was alone…but he was very old with a cane.. walking out in the country of Texas & you know I dropped him off & I looked back & he was gone….
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill –Well Joey helps me, but I still have to do my job as a mommy
24. Built a snow fort -- yes
25. Held a lamb – yes
26. Gone skinny dipping – NO!!
27. Run a Marathon – no
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice – was too cold
29. Seen a total eclipse -- no
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset – yes!
31. Hit a home run – yes when
32. Been on a cruise – no

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person -- no
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors – Mexico yes
35. Seen an Amish community –no..but I’ve been wanting to go

36. Taught yourself a new language – no
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied. –yes

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person -- nah
39. Gone rock climbing - ive climbed up rocks

40. Seen Michelangelo's David – no
41. Sung karaoke. – no
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt -- no
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant – food,, yes while we where walking around NY, & everywhere else we’ve gone
44. Visited Africa -- no
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight – yes,,, honeymoon
46. Been transported in an ambulance -- no
47. Had your portrait painted – does Destiny count LOL
48. Gone deep sea fishing -- No
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person – No..but I want to go see it some day
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris – No, it was a long wait
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling -- No,
52. Made a scrap book--no
53. Played in the mud – of course.
54. Gone to a drive-in theater -- No
55. Been in a movie -- No
56. Visited the Great Wall of China -- No
57. Started a business -- No
58. Taken a martial arts class. -- No
59. Visited Russia -- No
60. Served at a soup kitchen -- no
61. Sold Girl Guide Cookies -- No
62. Gone whale watching -- no
63. Got flowers for no reason – yes, my Joeys sweet
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma – yes, but not anymore… can't give blood because I'm anemic65. Gone sky diving -- No,
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp –no!! I aways wanted to go while we where up there..but never did
67. Bounced a check -- No, thankfully
68. Flown in a helicopter – no, been in one…
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy – yes
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial -- no
71. Eaten caviar – ack, gross
72. Pieced a quilt – I helped my mom.. she always makes them
73. Stood in Times Square -- Yes...
74. Toured the Everglades -- No
75. Been fired from a job. -- No!
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London – No
77. Broken a bone. -- no
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle – yes..
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person -- No
80. Published a book -- No

81. Visited the Vatican -- No
82. Bought a brand new car -- yes
83. Walked in Jerusalem -- No
84. Had your picture in the newspaper – yes in are little town
85. Read the entire Bible – no
86. Visited the White House -- no
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating. – yes, fish LOL
88. Had chickenpox – no
89. Saved someone's life. – yes, when Destiny was a baby she as choking at night..Thank God I woke up
90. Sat on a jury –
91. Met someone famous – football player when we where in Germany & a singer in Texas92. Joined a book club -- No
93. Lost a loved one -- Yes
94. Had a baby -- yes
95. Seen the Alamo in person – yes
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake – no
97. Been involved in a law suit -- No
98. Owned a mobile phone -- yes
99. Been stung by a bee -- yes
100. Read an entire book in one day -- Yes!